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 Ms. Paul, former Presidential Candidate 2024, 2016, 2012, believes in a government working for all  American people, a unified country of peace not chaos, of resolve not bloodshed, of quality of life not an economy where the average American family is suffering.  

Val Paul,  age 58 is a former Tax Business Executive, JudeoChristian biological woman; her parents (Foundry Metal Sculptor & Operating Room Nurse) are Alabama born but gave birth to her in Massachusetts. Ms. Paul is a military Veteran with four college degrees including an MBA. During military service at one time she lost the ability to walk and then fought to regain again. She is a member of 2 Honor Societies. She worked in several businesses including banking, tax offices, manufacturing and transportation. She managed a small business; worked in education; as well as served as Executive Director of a Children’s nonprofit for disadvantaged children in public housing and rural areas. She was one of the early members of the Tea Party against government corruption and against abuse of regular American working class. 

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* Unity in America (non-extremist)

* Unapologetically Pro-American!! & 

   America First
* Pro Faith, Pro Family, Pro Freedom
* Pro U.S. Constitution
* Will Complete the Trump Wall &

   Secure Our Borders 

* Pro-Energy Independence

* Pro 2nd Amendment
* Strong Military
* Strong VA & Veteran Support

* Upgrade Public Education

* Pro-Life Pro-Women & Mothers
* Strong Social Security
* Ending Arrest Quotas 

* Improving Police Culture

* As President, Will settle the Ukraine &     Russia conflict peacefully in 5 minutes.

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